Selasa, 21 Juni 2022

How To Share Scanner Over Network

How to share a scanner over the network

Download with a shared part or scanner on the network using LAN (LAN) or wireless LAN (WLAN) or WIFI, as well as a printer sharing LAN, scanner and emboss in a computer program. You can use software called BLINDSCANNER, which is the software you can use to scan the nantinya, oke, langsung kita menua cara-caraya scanner:

Download BlindScanner
Blind scanner

Partama (Persiapani)

Download the latest software, download weapons from Google's "Download Blindscanner" window as soon as possible, download the official website or launch the link menu at

On Youtube

BlindScanner Pro - Share your scanner

Kedua (operator installation)

Install the BlindScanner application on the computer / laptop / netbook / notebook or server and install the server and install the server installed on the "Install Server" button, click the "Next" button to install the prose.

cara install Blindscanner
Install a blind scanner
Then use the service on your computer's server and click the "Start" button to share the scanner, a program you can try to use on your system.

Blindscanner server setting
Blind scanner server

Kedua (customer install)

Install BlindScanner (which will scan) on the client PC and install the "Install Client" program.

Tutorial Blindscanner client
Customer scanner for the blind
Click the prose "Next" to install Hinga. Zika sudah selesai book apasi blindscanner dhe mulai pengaturan.

Katiga (Customer Customer Agreement)

To apply BlindScanner to the PC client and configure the server to scan it, click the server icon in "Server & Scanner"

Blindscanner setting client
Armor Scanner Setup
In addition, the server is open to use the server IP address, click "Search" for the server scanner, to find a scanner, but to access the appropriate port, click "Close".

Blindscanner shared over Network
Ordinary scanner blind
Tunggu sebentar agar client bisa terkoneksi melaui IP aur mengambi daftar Rekenarskandeerder en bediener,

Blindscanner over network wifi
Blind Scanner Network
The scanning device is a scanner, a clean scanner available for "ready" or diagonal. You can scan the gambar, but you can also read the Pengaturan pada hasil skandeerder pada bagian yang saa beri kotak merah, seperti menentukan Resolusi, Mode warna, Lokasi Peniimpanan LĂȘer, LĂȘerformat en Kwality. Ordinary scanner. Work mode directly connected to the office

Blindscanner network Scanner
Blind scanner
Using a particular person's comments to communicate Semoga Burmanfat en Membantu ya Auen, Bawah en Bawah Ini, or Hubungi Kami, can go back a long way.

How To Share Scanner Over Network

How to share a scanner over the network Download with a shared part or scanner on the network using LAN (LAN) or wireless LAN (WLAN) or WIF...